Joe Xinhua Zho

      Joe Xin Hua Zhou, Ph. D. The Founder and President of Genor Biopharma.
He received a Ph. D. from The School of Pharmacy, The Queen’s University of Belfast in 1990. After postdoc training, Dr. Zhou had joined the biopharmaceutical companies such as EntreMed, Human Genome Sciences. Dr. Zhou was hired as Research Scientist III at AMGEN and became a Scientific Director of bio process after three years due to his many achievements. Dr. Zhou was pointed by Amgen as a Visiting Professor for the IPEM program at Peking University from 2007 to 2017. He edited two books, published about 60 research articles, 18 patents and more than 10 book chapters. Dr. Zhou was the founder and the first chairman of CPDQA, the founder and the first chairman of BPPD of ISPE in China, and the founder and the first chairman of AAA (Amgen Alumina Association).